Case Battle
What is the Case Battle
Case Battle is a game mode that allows you to compete with other users in case opening in our service. Battles have a mode for two, three or four users and can be played in a maximum of 50 rounds. User who receive skins with the highest total value, will win the battle and receive skins drawn by other users participating in the battle.
How to join the battle
To join the battle just go to the “Case Battle” tab. Then choose the one of the available battles you are interested in and click the “JOIN THE BATTLE” button. You will be redirected to the battle tab where you can choose your place in the battle.
Click the “JOIN THE BATTLE” button at the empty slot. After this, you will join the battle and funds for participating in the battle will be automatically deducted from your balance.
How to create battle
You can configure what cases you want to be in the battle, battle mode, how many users can participate and available start with bots in the battle.
After you configure your battle, just click the “Create Battle” button. After that your battle will be created and you automatically will participate in the battle. Funds for creating and participating in the battle will be automatically deducted from your balance.
Types of battles
Classic battles - highest total value of skins wins.
Crazt mode - lowest total value of skins wins.
Last updated